Managing Type 2 Diabetes

I am not a health professional nor claim to be a nutritionist. I am simply someone that was diagnosed, panicked and wondered what on earth I was going to do…

Calming down I began to some research and made some significant changes in my life style. On paper I have reversed my Diabetes Type 2 with my HC1 being 34. I will be in remission once I no longer need Metformin to regulate blood sugars.

The above timeline covers my initial diagnosis in May 2021 with a HC1 of 87mmol which I contribute to an unhealthy obsession with Haribo Fangtastics. Through my weight loss journey to Jan 2024.

Plans for the Blog

Its is very much early days for the blog but I would like to expand out the content in various ways outlined below. I do have a full time job that takes up a fair amount of time and so I don’t have a dedicated timeline for this.

I felt the need to lay down my thoughts if only to help guide my manic ideas into some form of delivery roadmap of content.

  • Personal Stories & Interviews; Share real life experiences beyond my own covering not just Diabetes Type 2 but Type 1 and Gestational diabetes.
  • Exercise Tips
  • Easy to consume Medical Information about Diabetes including tips that work from real people.
  • Lifestyle Management
  • More Product Reviews
  • Myth Busting blogs
  • Travel Tips for Diabetes
  • Mental Health Impact
  • Diabetes with other Co-Morbidities, I myself have high blood pressure and due to snowboarding injury am on blood thinners.
  • Technology and Diabetes, as a resident geek how could I not include cool tech such as Blue Tooth enabled Glucose Monitoring that syncs to your phone
  • Advocacy and Awareness, restaurants cater for so many people but not Diabetics. There has to be more than ordering sweet potato fries instead of regular and skipping the bun.