I hope to one day “reverse” the diagnosis that I received a few years ago and move into remission (no medication just diet to manage blood glucose levels). Taking control back and live a healthy life style, or at least healthier than what I was doing prior.
I am not a health nut and this is an honest approach what worked for me my journey, the highs and the lows.
When diagnosed I wasn’t sure where to start, I did a web search and was bombarded with various sites telling me lots of information a lot of which was medical. All very good information but not as east to digest as I would have liked.
This blog is the result of what worked for me and I hope for other people, no more no less.
My initial source of research was Diabetes UK, they have a great site with a lot of information including a community in which you can post and request feedback. Please also consider bookmarking this site too.
It goes without saying if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
My Ups and Downs with my Weight

Comic Con 2019, before lock down no excuses!
2020 I was regularly hitting the gym and began to watch what I eat.

Covid and lockdown commences, I begin to balloon again, this is the largest I became.
Lockdown ends, I have Diabetes Type 2 and begin to start my journey this under control. I also get a well needed haircut!

One year on from lock down I am feeling much better in myself and have my diabetes under control.
Latest Pic as of Aug 2024, trying to put on some muscle and tone up. A long way to go but pleased with journey.